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Hosting SSH 2, Juli 2017 today update again hosting America and Singapore. Update SSH Server Germany and Italy 3 July 2017 fast hosting Thailand and Brazil. In this post I will describe the outline of CloudFlare. Cloudflare i.e. name application designed with content delivery service as well as the system of distribution of domain nameserver based concept of American technology in the form of feature Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Fast SSH 2, 3 Juli 2017 Uni Emirate Arab and Saudi Arabia. The function of this technology is to have advantages on the users of the website because the cloudflare worked as reverse proxy, which can generally be meng-akses quickly and also filters traffic coming into your website.
What strengths and weaknesses? To know the advantages of CDN Cloudflare itself i.e. a binding between a server to another server in the form of content that is distributed in the website. That means when we meng-akses a site then features a CDN will quickly send you a message through the server to various locations, so we quickly meng-akses mempermudahkan walupun site that we are headed is not derived from the country of origin but the contents of the content is the same.
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Cloudflare not have flaws but he was just a limitation on system usage. However, depending on their usage only. Cloudflare can affect some statistics program in the server, because in the process of taking over the visitor's request. In addition, CMS backend cloudflare affect performance when making new sub-domains so that extra work is needed. Well, so that's the understanding of most of the information I obtain about CloudFlare. Have the same ability as for CDN feature you want to use them for free as well as paid.
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