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and Malaysia. Basic Knowledge About Hosting Info. Shared hosting. Shared Hosting is a hosting service that is used by some other users and one hosting is used by a wide variety of different domain names. (Commonly used by personal blogs) Dedicated server. A dedicated Server is a server that is used to run applications with high load and cannot be operated in a shared hosting or VPS. The server can be provided by the tenant or the owner of the leased data center location to the tenants. VPS. VPS is a Virtual Private Server or virtual server. This server is made with the virtualization of the operating system used. Therefore there are several VPS in then the operating system that runs concurrently with the function of each.
SSH Server 1 July 2017 Uni Emirate Arab and Egypt. Colocation. Colocation is a place that is used to put together in the same server in a building or room (data center). The server is used for a variety of needs such as hosting, data storage company, a vpn server and a variety of other companies that IT needs. Colocation Servers. Colocation Server is the server that is deposited in one place where the tenants need security, stability of electric current, and also the stability of internet access. These servers can be used for just about anything according to the needs of the tenants of the venue. DNS. DNS (Domain Name System, the language of Indonesia: Domain Name System) is a system that stores information about the hostname or domain name in the form of scattered data base (distributed database) in computer networks, for example: the Internet. DNS provides the IP address for each host name and server log every transmission of mail (mail exchange server) that accepts electronic mail (email) for each domain.
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Bandwidth. Bandwidth in hosting, data transfer can be called. It is counting the time data from your hosting and get to the client. Units of calculation usually based on bandwidth Kilobytes. Park Domains. Park domains is a feature to put your domain in have. As long as this domain is parked in a State, then the domain can not be used to create a website, create email aliassing, etc. So essentially, the domain only occupies the House.
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