(New Fast SSH 17 April 2017 all about hosting United States and France. SSH Account 18 April 2017 more about hosting America, Brazil and Germany. File SSH 17 4 2017 Columbia and Peru. What is Cloudlinux OS? Current technology in the world of web hosting is the more reliable. While this may be several persons still lay confused what is cloudlinux OS. Most of the OS (operating system) that people often pake for business web hosting is Linux Centos Centos OS, where this in value most compatible with software/script/panel that is commonly used for web hosting for example when integrated to Cpanel/WHM. therefore does this OS CloudLinux? CloudLinux technology is the first commercial OS aims to provide stability on a web server, with how to create a virtual room for each account/user.
New Fast SSH 18 April 2017 Indonesia and Vietnam. CloudLinux OS is also a kind of Centos but with the advantages that Cloudlinux LVE technology features (Lightweight Virtual Environment Technology), LVE this function to do the isolation of each account in CpanelWHM. So each User on the server will be guaranteed resources that have been set, such as the owner of the server we provide a limit: 25% CPU: Ram: 512 MB then any cpanel account on the server can only use a maximum of rations, so that the actions of an abusive accounts (using power in large) will have no impact on other users on the server. The system is in use by the unfortunate Host, so that the hapless Hosts get Server uptime is quite high.
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How when an account reaches a limit it? When an account reaches the limit, the web publishing process will cease to be: internal server error or an Error Page 503, it will take place when process cpu and ram 1 account the not yet stalled after cpu usage ram; & declined then rations back to normal, then the web will be accessible again. It is widely applied by hoster's web/developer to manage the client so that the core of the web2 staple of talk in this article are: No 1 user yg will mengabiskan the entire resources of the server. User in 1 server will be more comfortable because it does not interfere with your other account's reply takes a lot of CPU and RAM. CloudLinux OS purpose this will minimize downtime of the server and will be more stable. CloudLinux became one of the leading OS that is widely used by various users that exist in the world today.
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