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Free SSH 6, Maret 2017 today update again prmium server Singapore and United States. SSH Windows 7 March 2017 more hosting Thailand and Brazil. Tips On How To Choose A Good Web Hosting. Previously I've been discussing about tips on choosing web hosting by knowing the terms in web hosting. Well, now I will share other tips about how to choose a good web hosting. Besides knowing the specs of the term in the web hosting server itself, there are some other things to consider. Well, what are the things that should be considered in choosing a good web hosting?
ssh config file 7, March 2017 India and Egypt. In choosing a web hosting, the location of the server to be reckoned with. This will affect the speed of access of visitors to our website. Select the web server hosting that is located closest to the target website visitors. Suppose we created a website about tutorial who speaks, who of course target was people Indonesia, then choose the location of the web server in Indonesia or Singapore. The closer a location server web hosting with site visitors fast anyway, then the process of upload and download content.

The larger the size of the disk space, then the more the content can also be displayed on our website. So, choose web hosting has a large space. But typically for disk space is great, the price is more expensive. Choose web hosting with disk space that is not too large, then if the disk space is full, live upgrade service only. To keep in mind here is that bandwidth is not the network speed of web server hosting. Bandwidth here is more like the usual internet quota we use, and usually timed monthly. Suppose a web hosting has a 2 GB bandwidth per month, meaning that in a month it can only serve for data transfer (upload & download) of 2 GB.
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With support for a lot of addon domains or multiple subdomains, we could make a lot of websites with only once to buy web hosting. But do not be too find that supports a lot of addon or subdomain if indeed only used for one website. Choose web hosting that provides an SSL certificate (Secure Socket Layer). Why should the SSL? By using SSL, the data traffic between the web server and a client computer will be encrypted, so that the transaction be safer from the hands of hackers or cyber criminals. In addition, with the use of SSL, will assist in the improvement of SEO in the Google search engine. Currently have started a lot of web hosting providers that provide free SSL feature Lets Encrypt. Or it could also buy SSL paid addon like Comodo SSL.
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