Common Mistakes In Choosing Hosting. Like I've ever experienced, there are some common mistakes done while choosing a hosting, i.e.: Sees the price only. This is the most common mistake made. Want it to downsize, so look for the lowest prices to be found, however, make us forget in check with other important things, such as bandwidth, capacity, after-sales service, and others. Don't pay attention to other things that will ultimately result in far greater losses than it should be. Because just want cheap, we don't pay attention to how much it is actually our own hosting needs. If we are a travel blogger or photographer, is certainly warranted a much larger hosting to upload our photos. Similarly, if we want to create a website online shop, of course, we need hosting with huge bandwidth that allows multiple people at once to access our website. Server down is a sign of bad for online shop.
Server SSH
Unlimited Host Asian and America. Server Port 443 and server 80, 143
version SSH Dropbear / Openssh: