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2016 Netherlands and India. There are still many people who tend to skip steps in choosing a web hosting provider company when making a website. This is a big mistake because web hosting is one of the important factors that determine the success of a website. In addition, good hosting will support Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that will increase your business.
Putty SSH Account 5, Agustus 2016 server Malaysia and United States. Whether if you are accessing a website that is attractive but the hosting used not very qualified and slow, you're still willing to access the site?. But through this article, we try to help you by sharing simple tips about choosing a good web hosting for a website.

When we talk about speed and performance, we will think about the hardware is an important element to ensure the quality of a web hosting. To determine the overall performance of a website, you should check out factors such as RAM, CPU, processor and storage space capacity HDD and SSD. RAM and CPU will depend on the content of a website, the number of people accessing the website and the device used to access it. You can check the RAM, CPU and storage space through the control panel on the server. With the tips above the expectation is able to help you to make it easier to determine what kind of web hosting service of your choice. Because surely by using the right hosting, your website will be on the best performance. But they returned again to the needs of each of your website, what you seek from a hosting to the needs of the website.
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Uptime is the time where the server remains online and keep going. This is one of the most important factors for determining the quality of a web hosting. However, we have no problem is a sure way to verify the uptime of a server. If a company provides 99% uptime then they will have a 1% downtime. That means that during the week a server will be down for 1 hour 40 minutes 48 seconds and for 3 days in each year. Therefore, should you have to choose a company that offers 99.5% uptime guarantee even more. Currently some companies there are even stating they have an uptime to 99.99%. But still You have to be careful and thorough time will decide.
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