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2016 Germany and Canada. Benefits of using SSL on websites – SSL is short for Secure Socker Layer which in the present is already increasingly mushrooming use in e-commerce websites even regular blog already implement SSL, as we know a few years before the implementation of SSL is not too mushrooming as of now. Then what are the Benefits of using SSL on the Website? Here we explain the benefits of using SSL on your Website.
India and Vietnam Server SSH 11 Juni 2016. Encrypt Sensitive Information. The most important thing from the use of SSL is to encrypt all sensitive information that is on our website, of course this sensitive information can be password credit card data and other information. Therefore it is absolutely mandatory to use SSL for a website that has information on these sensitive and would like any traffic information is encrypted.
Increase The Trust Of Your Visitors. Visitors who come to your website certainly will be more secure and convenient when surfing on your website. Moreover, nowadays many people already know the difference the protocol https and http. Then our website is highly recommended to use the https protocol if it is to gain the trust of more than visitors.
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SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Did you know that search engines are very selective results from its search? It is already starting to be discussed much so by some bloggers, that the website is using SSL will be preferred by the Google search engine. Very many of the benefits of using SSL at the right Website? Starting from now let's use SSL on your website for convenience of visitors and the security of your website. In addition to this website using SSL preferred Google because it proved to be more giving security to visitors.
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