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2016 China and Japan. The Web server is software that provides data services that serves HTTP or HTTPS requests received from clients that are known with a web browser and send back the results in the form of web pages that are generally shaped as an HTML document. The main function of a web server is to provide a web page at the client's request to use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This means the sending of HTML documents and additional content that may be included by a document, such as images, style sheets and scripts.
SSH Command 1 Juni 2016 from Australia and United Kingdom. A user agent, typically a web browser or a web crawler, initiate communications by making a request to a specific resource using HTTP and the server responds with the contents of the resource or error message if unable to do so. Resources are usually real file on the secondary server storage, but this is not necessarily the case, and depending on how the web server implemented.
While the main function is to serve content, full implementation of HTTP also covers how to receive content from the client. This feature is used to send out a web form, including file uploads. Many of the generic web server also supports server-side scripting using Active Server Pages (ASP), PHP, or other scripting languages. This means that the behavior of web servers can be written in a separate file, while the actual server software remains unchanged. Typically, this function is used to create dynamic HTML document ("on-the-fly") as opposed to the static document back. The first one is mainly used to retrieve and/or modify the information from the database. The latter is usually much faster and more easily cached.
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FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP consists of a client and a server is an application that provides access data transfer between two computers (client and server). Transfer your files/data can between the mainframe and computer in the form of a computer on the local network. Or data transfer can occur from our computer to an FTP server through the internet. FTP is a very useful application (powerful) because this application provides access to visitors or users to access data stored on these servers, and can be accessed by a large number of computers simultaneously.
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