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12, 2015 Brazil. Squid Proxy 10 December, 2015 India. Understanding and usefulness of the VPS-for those of you often surf in virtual world (internet) might never read about VPS, or read your friends ' status on facebook you are speaking of the VPS. The function of the VPS it was for, what the hell?. Well the following descriptions will help you to answer these questions for those who have yet to understand or still newbie about VPS. VPS is a Virtual Private Server, or simply in the form of virtual servers that we can rent according to needs such as RAM, the core specification and so on. Server or VPS (Virtual Private Server) like a virtual computer that can also be installed operating system such as Linux Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Centos operating system to windows.
SSH Premium 12 12 2015 Indonesia. If we look from the word Virtual Private Server (VPS), perhaps some of us there who asked why private? well this is the merit of a VPS is private, namely our own use it without being burdened by the other user. So if we ordered or rented a VPS for hosting a blog, then your server or VPS we rent free above we use without being bound by regulations such as those found in the world of the shared hosting server company used much so if there is one user who uses bandwidth outside the limit then the other user in one server will be uninterrupted. However by the presence of cloud teknologin linux these problems begin to be resolved.
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As mentioned above, one of the uses for VPS hosting is for a blog or website must be previously installed control panel that can be easy in the create a blog – blogs that we orbitkan on a VPS. In addition to hosting, VPS can also be used to create a streaming radio or radio online. So the current radio previously are accounting for them have already begun to provide features for streaming can be accessed either from your computer or a connected gadget network the internet.
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