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SSH Akun November 17, 2015 hosting Singapore and Indonesia: ssh fast 18 November 2015 India.VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a server side technology about operating systems and software that allows a machine with large capacity is divided into multiple virtual machines. Each virtual machine serves the operating system and the software independently, and with the rapid configuration. Simply put we can imagine that a VPS is the same as when we run an operating system using VirtualBox or VMWare on our computers. VirtualBox/VMWare: applications in use to install an OS or other applications that are in our PC/Laptop.
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VPS rental consists of 2 kinds, VPS Managed Server: blank/only given IP, root and password, Unmanaged VPS: installed OS Linux or Windows or other lucrative, according to the hosting that's my concise explanation in summary from a range of sources (thought, teachers, and other blogs) so that you understand the about what is a VPS and their functions. ssh gratis 16 Nov/November 2015 India.
The point residence have a computer (CPU) but its location is not at home agan but perhaps in China/America where the place of the computer (
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VPS can also be interpreted as a method to partition or untick divides resources/resource a server into multiple virtual servers. The virtual servers have the capability of running its own operating system as a server. You can even rebooting a server virtual separately (not necessarily discuss the main server reboot). In a VPS, the resource server that is allocated CPU cores, include CPU Usage, RAM, and Storage or storage space.
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