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A bad experience and the lesson many beginners, including my fall into the trap, select hosting based on price alone. There really cheap hosting in outer there, but should only be used as specifiers do not price. ssh gratis 20 Nov/November 2015 India.
This is the reason. I used to do this mistake. As a result rather than save money, even burn your money. Cheap hosting usually have weak or server loaded with many users. Here is a problem that often occurs. This is often the case, especially in shared hosting. Because in one same server, you must share it with other hosting users. Ration its resources are limited. Especially if the hosting company keeps menjejali with users, the fewer parts. Due to lack of resource allocation, the blog became slow. This is often the case. A result that can be seen is the blog became slow all of a sudden, or continuous loading, or suddenly interrupted and could not be opened.
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If the server has not been sufficiently weak, wait until you get bad service. Let me share my story. My first Web hosting using the ticket system. If I have a problem I sent a message through their platform. It happens that often occur, for example my blog 4 hours being slow. I open a ticket. Of
course I expect my problems could be addressed immediately. But the ticket I've responded the next day, with answers, "we've check and your site just fine."
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