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Account SSH 26, 27, 28 November 2017 full speed server and hosting America, France and Singapore. Hosting SSH 28, 29, 30 NOV 2017 Indonesia and Malaysia. Experience Of Using VPS. On this occasion, I would like to share the experience of using a VPS (Virtual Private Server). Perhaps this post later can be helpful for anyone who has a plan to switch from a host to a VPS share. If you already have a website with high traffic, or have a business website with enough income, perhaps it's time to switch to VPS if still using Shared Host. There are many advantages obtained by using a VPS, like bandwidth is certainly bigger and not divided with other users, a space also average larger, data privacy, and so on.
Hosting SSH 26 - 30 November 2017 Poland and Brazil. Although some service providers share host, there's that offers unlimited space and bandwidth, but when divided by thousands of users, especially users with high traffic websites that average height, it will be a serious problem at a speed access your website.

There are many options VPS packages are being offered the service providers, ranging from memory, space, bandwidth and others. However, there are basically two important choices you should consider well, i.e. manage Unmanaged VPS and VPS. If there is no basic web server, perhaps wiser if you choose Managed VPS package, of course with the provision, must issue an additional fee to pay for the services of install, configuration, and maintenance of your website server. In fact it didn't take long to learn to manage a website server, but strongly not recommended if do try on the server where your website is hosted, there is the risk of server error, could even lose data, and other critical problem . For those of you who have the basics about web server, you do not need additional private courses, there are lots of articles and discussions in forums that discuss the various problems that you will encounter, so you don't have to worry about having a hard time.
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some of the initial problems I get when using a VPS, such as: the choice of Application Server. There are many web application server options that can be used, ranging from free to pay hundreds of dollars, so that makes me a bit of confusion in determining the selection. For example for linux server, there are applications such as Cpanel, Webuzo, Plesk, Webmin, ISPconfig, Ajenti, Open panels, Zpanel, VestaCP, and many more. The problem on the Mail Server, where the Email could not be sent to the Google Mail website migration process Error Varied from the old server. Database error, the configuration of the virtual server and more. SSL Problems. On some websites that were previously using SSL (https protocol) you must provide certification of SSL on your new server. And some other problems.
SSH Gratis Full Speed: Premium Server From Hosting VPN, VPS, Host Singapore and Brazil. Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port 109 and 143: